Slaves to the Grind!!!


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Ok now. Being a reviews page, naturaly, you hope to find reviews on here. And reviews are what you're going to get after all this is a reviere site.I have written a mock kind of example review so those of you who have never written or read a review of a CD (I'm sure you all have...) will know what to write. Most of the reviewing will be done on the forum but for the meantime I shall be submitting mine to this page. Feel free to e-mail me and comment on my review or send in reviews of your own.

This is an example review just about any random CD that happened to spring to mind. Cattle Decapitation - To Serve Man.

Ok. What first had me picking up a copy of this CD was the blatant grotesque cover artwork. A guy with his insides hanging out and holding them on a platter. As with the likes of Gorelord or Cannibal Corpse you look at the cover work and think "Damn! Look at that artwork. Looks like it could be a pretty extreme CD". So I picked it up, went to the counter and paid for it. I was anticipating listening to it on the train all the way home. The second I got in I slipped the CD in and had me a nice little listen. First track Testicular Manslaughter. Now this track I liked. I really liked it. From the introductory noises of a man having his balls cut off (It's actually a guy having his throat cut out as I've seen the movie the sound clip was from...but it gives the impression of someone having their balls cut off) right to the very last growl. Then on came the second track...Had a listen...Wasn't bad but then it seemed to go on from track 2 all the way to Chunk Blower which is the final track. Why do I say this? I say this because it is perhaps the most samey death/goregrind album I have ever heard in my life! The drumming was shoddy and anyone who knows what real drumming sounds like knows that a decent death metal drummer could do more than one rhythm per album. The vocals were impressive until it becomes obvious that half of it is effect. And what was with the song "Pedestrians?!". It is perhaps the most pointless song I have ever heard in my life, really. It seems to me that Cattle Decapitation have spent more time on using artwork to lure in fans than spending quality time writing lyrics and music. Getting away from the bad points now this CD isn't BAD, yet not amazing either in fact I would say it was below average but still worth a listen. I can see fans of the Genre turning their nose up at such a CD after a few listens and letting it get dusty at the back of their CD rack. Those of you who have heard homovore (I heard it AFTER to Serve Man) will not be impressed as you have earlier Cattle Decapitation to compare it to. Cattle Decapitation have let down the team with this release. Sorry guys. Maybe the next one will be better, eh?|